Multnomah Group

upcoming webinar5 Retirement Plan Trends Affecting DC Plan Sponsors Today

As we start the second quarter of 2022, we want to focus on what is happening in the DC retirement plan space that is affecting retirement plan sponsors the most. This year has already brought a fresh focus on cybersecurity, changing workforce and employee benefits needs + much more. Join members of our Vendor Services and Techincal Services Committees as they discuss the top 5 trends we feel are impacting DC plan sponsors today. For a preview of our discussion, watch Erik Daley's latest Fiduciary Focus video.

We will cover:

  • Retirement Income
  • Wellness Integration (including emergency savings and student loan repayment)
  • Fee Compression
  • Cybersecurity
  • Participation Engagement Strategies (including nominal rewards and plan design)

Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 10 a.m. Pacific

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fill out the form below.