Provider Oversight

Assisting clients in developing and maintaining
high-quality plans for participants.

We focus on helping you develop and maintain successful retirement savings programs. We provide impartial, practical solutions to monitor and manage high-quality plans, ensuring informed and prudent decisions. By regularly reviewing your plan vendors, we ensure you receive optimal services at a reasonable cost.

We assist you with this through:

  • Self-directed Brokerage Review
    We help evaluate features and services in defined contribution retirement plans, including self-directed brokerage vendors, managed accounts, and income products.
  • Employee Engagement
    We leverage your recordkeeper's capabilities to develop strategies that enhance employee participation in retirement planning. We also offer hands-on participant engagement services.

Fiduciary Resources


Alongside our services designed to assist plan sponsors with their fiduciary responsibilities, we create and share resources throughout the year to help you manage the challenges associated with your retirement plan benefit programs.



benchmarking analysis web

FREE Benchmarking Analysis
Our fee analysis provides a summary of both investment management and plan service fees, which typically
include recordkeeping, administration, employee education, communication, and compliance services.
Learn more + request an analysis.
web_navigating retirement plan transitions Navigating Retirement Plan Transitions
Transitioning your retirement plan from one recordkeeper to another can be a complex and significant undertaking. In this guide, we will walk you through how to navigate the challenges of such transitions while offering best practices to ensure a seamless experience for both plan sponsors and participants.
Download the guide.
Vendor Conflicts-1 Identify, Manage, and Avoid Retirement Plan Vendor Conflicts
Fiduciaries are required by ERISA to monitor the services providers to their plan. This includes monitoring any conflicts of interest. Our retirement plan vendor conflicts resources helps you identify, monitor, and avoid any conflicts with your plan's service providers + a worksheet to assist in asking the right questions about potential conflicts.
Download the guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Describe your vendor benchmark service and process.

A: Each year we provide a plan-specific fee benchmarking analysis to assist our clients in meeting the fee reasonableness standard. We use proprietary market pricing data to inform the fee range specified in our benchmarking report. Further, our analysis provides a summary of both investment management and plan service fees, which typically include recordkeeping, administration, employee education, communication, and compliance services.

Our goals in providing the annual fee benchmarking analysis to our clients include:

  • Assisting ERISA-covered clients in meeting ERISA’s fee reasonableness standard (or assistingexempt clients in maintaining a fee reasonableness best practice);
  • Assisting clients in understanding applicable plan service fees and how they are structured;
  • Providing a discussion springboard for related topics such as the duty to prudently monitor the plan’s vendors; and
  • Recommending potential next steps (e.g.,re-negotiate service provider fees and service levels, launch a formal vendor search, etc.) depending on whether the current analysis indicates an opportunity for improvement.

Our process for helping clients determine the reasonableness of fees promotes the likelihood of the best possible outcomes for plan participants.

Q: What is your process for searching and evaluating services providers such as recordkeepers?

Multnomah Group has developed a customized request for proposal process designed to match the specific needs of our clients with vendors in the marketplace. Our tenured team has worked at a number of recordkeepers, giving us an in-depth look into their organizations. Multnomah Group maintains a proprietary database on recordkeeper general capabilities that gives us an edge on understanding their inner-workings, areas where they excel, and potential shortfalls. Multnomah Group’s director of vendor services has conducted a wide array of search projects for retirement plans and will lead all search projects. Importantly, we are an independent firm and can assist the committee in reviewing the entire spectrum of vendors.


The process we have developed when conducting a full-scope vendor RFP evaluation is as follows:

Vendor Search Process


Our team monitors the services and capabilities of our recordkeeping vendor partners as well as providing support, training, and resources for the firm’s vendor search projects. 

Erik Daley

Erik Daley, CFA

Managing Principal

Hailey Fields_360px

Hailey Fields

Principal and Director of Vendor Services

Breion Rollins_360px

Breion Rollins


Greg Johnson_360px

Greg Johnson

Senior Consultant and Director of Technical Services

To contact one of our team members,
or to learn more about our provider oversight capabilities,
fill out the form below.


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