
Thought leadership with plan fiduciary education in mind

Webinar Recording: Best Practices in Fiduciary Governance

Webinar Recording: Best Practices in Fiduciary Governance

Did you know that the DOL requires employers to educate retirement plan committee members on their roles and responsibilities? Recent litigation and audit activity from the Department of Labor has highlighted the challenges for employers without adequate governance and oversight. Well-run retirement plans nearly universally have the input, support, and decision-making of an entire committee with rules dictated by and accountability to the employer.

Fee Compression: Five Ways Providers Monetize Recordkeeping
White Papers

Fee Compression: Five Ways Providers Monetize Recordkeeping

Generally, we believe there are five areas where recordkeeping vendors have tried to monetize their relationship with retirement plans: proprietary investment management, managed accounts, IRA rollovers, cross-selling retail financial products, and annuitization. In this paper, we take a closer look at each of these five approaches.