
Thought leadership with plan fiduciary education in mind

Retirement Plan Fee Benchmarking Case Study
Case Studies

Retirement Plan Fee Benchmarking Case Study

The challenges facing 401(k) and 403(b) retirement plan sponsors to ensure the fees associated with their retirement plan are reasonable in light of the services rendered can seem daunting. It's a balancing act requiring a diligent vendor monitoring program. An example of the work we do to assist our clients in this fiduciary duty is outlined in this case study focused on fee benchmarking.

Retirement Plan Investment Menu Review Case Study
Case Studies

Retirement Plan Investment Menu Review Case Study

Each committee should establish a fundamental set of beliefs relative to the construction of an investment menu. To learn more about the work we have done to review our clients' investment positions and menu design, download our investment menu review case study.

Retirement Plan Committee Best Practices
White Papers

Retirement Plan Committee Best Practices

Download our guide to help understand what the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) (and similar state laws) requires for retirement plans, how committees have typically functioned, and how committees will need to function to be successful and sustaining for years to come.

Protecting Participant Data: How to Monitor and Mitigate Recordkeeper Conflicts of Interest
White Papers

Protecting Participant Data: How to Monitor and Mitigate Recordkeeper Conflicts of Interest

We believe there are six areas where recordkeeping vendors have tried to monetize their relationship with retirement plans. This plan sponsor guide focuses on the fourth way of generating excess revenue ?Ž???????Ž??????Ÿ???Â????Ž??????Ÿ??cross-selling retail financial products. For plan sponsors, it is important to understand how recordkeepers cross-sell retail financial products and what the plan sponsor?Ž???????Ž??????Ÿ???Â????Ž??????Ÿ?Ž???????s obligation is to reduce or eliminate such cross-selling.

Investment Manager Due Diligence Outlines
White Papers

Investment Manager Due Diligence Outlines

When it comes to conducting manager selection, it is the things unseen that are the key to having confidence in the manager's ability to outperform in the future. This short resource guide provides a look into how we conduct our investment manager due diligence.