A multnomah group faq
The Internal Revenue Service maintains the Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS) to provide plan sponsors with the opportunity and ability to self-correct most instances of noncompliance in a specified way. The prescribed corrective action will most often place affected participants in the position they would have been in had the error not occurred. The EPCRS supports three foundational programs:
The IRS provides extensive information on the types of failures that qualify for the different correction procedures at https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/epcrs-overview. This site provides links to information on correction procedures for specific plan types (i.e., 401(k), 403(b), SEP, etc.).
No. The IRS enforces the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, whereas the Department of Labor (DOL) enforces the provisions of ERISA. Error correction related to ERISA's provisions is accomplished through the Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program or the Delinquent Filers Voluntary Compliance Program, depending upon the issue. A plan sponsor should note that correcting plan errors using EPCRS will satisfy the IRS, but it may not satisfy the DOL.
Plan sponsors may be reluctant to document errors, even when they are properly corrected under the SCP. However, documentation of the error and the manner of correction demonstrates a plan sponsor's ability to spot and correct an error under the plan and is likely to come in handy for the annual independent plan audit, if required, and any IRS examination activity.
Most often, a plan sponsor in need of the VCP will engage the assistance of counsel to help navigate the complex procedures and requirements of the VCP. While Multnomah Group strongly recommends the engagement of counsel for this purpose, it is not legally required that a plan sponsor consult with an attorney regarding the VCP submission.
There is an appropriate corrective solution for every problem that could face a plan sponsor. Ideally, errors are discovered and corrected quickly after they occur such that the liability clock stops ticking as soon as possible. The worst thing a plan sponsor can do when they find an error is nothing.
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